MUUV has a clothing boutique! Feeling great in your clothes is an important part of any workout. We love the technical fabrics of our athletic clothing line and the shared values of the company. We receive monthly and weekly orders, and bring in small size runs to keep the pieces unique. Shopping is available before or after classes, and appointments are always welcome by calling 208.440.8307.

Introducing BAKE...

Check out Rayanne's story below...

MUUV Food in December: BAKE by Rayanne Fries

"I started dating my now husband (who has food allergies) in 2005. He introduced me to some gluten free food, and it was only mediocre at best. Lots of it was boxed, packaged, preservative filled food. One day, for my birthday, my husband made me a "gluten free pizza" in a pan, on the stove! It's not like we were without an oven, it's just the only way he found to make the gluten free crust work. Needless to say, I was not impressed with this mushy, wet "crust". I set out to bake, not only a good gluten free crust, but a gluten free crust that everyone (wheat eaters and gluten free'ers) would enjoy! I then continued to make foods he had not had in years, brownies, cookies, cakes, and bread.
In the last 10 years I have called, Minnesota, Michigan, Colorado, Oregon, Alaska, and Idaho home. Oh, and the RV that we lived and travelled in while working as a national marketing team. Through our travels I saw a lack of gluten free food, but met many people with allergies or intolerance's like my husband.
Upon moving to Boise permanently in late 2009, I started to really focus on living locally. I was quite relieved to get off the road, and step into a community full of amazing people. I see a need for gluten free and allergy sensitive baking in the valley. This is where Bake - Gluten Free was born. I am happy to have this opportunity to debut my products and company at Muuv this December! Thanks, hope you enjoy!"


Giving does the heart good! And this time of year when the holidays are upon us and it's cold outside; giving seems to feels even sweeter.
MUUV is offering three ways to give back this month and we hope one of them will fill your heart to join us.
Check out our charitable picks on the right of the page, and feel free let us know if there's a cause you think we should partake in.
Thank you for participating in the JOY of giving!

ThanksVegan! with Vicki Hodge and Andi Saucerman

We're giving thanks! Vicki and Andi, vegan cooks extraordinaire are going to be sharing some awesome food and recipes with you. Catch us after Deep Dance from 11-noon November 16, 18 and 23. As well as 7-8 p.m. November 17th. You can stay and eat, take it with you or just drop in during those hours. See you then!

Live Well: ThanksVegan!

You know when you buy something new, like say a blue car, and then all of a sudden you see the same blue car everywhere? Well, in this case for me, it was a lifestyle change; a new way of looking at food. My partner Tom and I were going vegan! Now I've been a vegetarian for almost 15 years and Tom for at least 5, but this was a whole new frontier. This new way of shopping for food, eating and cooking without eggs, butter, cheese, or any animal product or by-product was a huge change at the time. A change that is now more like a fascinating journey. I might add that it's not a perfect process by any means. We eat this way at home but find it much more difficult when we eat out, so we do our best.
When we embarked on this new path we started doing research and one thing led to another. First it was making the decision, then it was a killer article we found in Men's Journal, and then the surprise news about former president Bill Clinton (he recently went vegan). All these signs saying yes, you're on the right track, keep going!

But the best thing ever was reaching out to ANDI SAUCERMAN and VICKI HODGE. I had known a little about Vicki's passion just by reading some of her news feeds on facebook, so when I first approached her she welcomed my questions with passion and a love for something she believes in. That was soon followed by recommendations to some AMAZING cookbooks filled with killer recipes. I haven't known Andi as long, but we started talking at MUUV, and soon our conversations turned to food, and I discovered another amazing woman, filled with information about protein alternatives and amazing seeds and vegetables we never think to cook with!

You can imagine when I introduced Andi and Vicki to one another there was an instant connection fueled by their love of eating Vegan.

We have tons of ideas on how to share their knowledge and passion, but for now we are starting relatively small by cooking for you! Eating and cooking this way is a very creative process, stepping out side the box and learning a whole new language. Which is another reason I love it so much; it encourages us to be ever expanding and creative with our lives.

Now for ThanksVegan at MUUV, these two women have prepared some delicious treats to give you a sample of the nutritional goodness that comes from a vegan diet, with the added bonus of knowing that nothing was harmed or suffered to feed your belly.

Environmental concerns and the humane treatment of animals are two of the main reasons many people choose this way of eating. Others go vegan strictly for health reasons. Most vegans will tell you they feel like they're lean, mean, healthy-eating machines; that eating this way makes them feel lighter, mentally and physically.

Most people have a ton of questions about veganism, with concerns about getting enough protein, for example. Well, we're here to answer all your questions! Please feel free to contact Vicki and Andi directly through email and fire away. Please see all their contact info on the right side of the blog.

We hope you taste something that inspires you, and maybe find a fun challenge with all the new food choices waiting for you to try them. Enjoy!

Here are some cheat sheets and beginner's guides to going vegan!

For starters, check this out Guide to Going Vegan, from of all places Men's Journal, and continue to read the excerpt of the Rise of the Power Vegan. It's an article about pro athletes and how being vegan gives them their edge.
Vegan Cooking For Dummies

MUUV People - Heather Schwabe


I never really knew Heather that well, I guess I’ve always just known her as the sweet, smiling, woman who joins us for DDX. When I approached Heather on having her story be next, I didn’t realize what I was asking. What makes Heather such a compelling story is that she has experienced physical and emotional suffering many of us have never known. And yet her ability to find joy and greet life with such grace, would leave most of us thinking her life is roses all the time.

I’ve been moved getting to know Heather more, maybe even a little bit humbled. You see the story below is just a fraction of who Heather is. And while she was going down a very scary and altering path, she was also dealt curve balls that come with life sometimes. Things she had to process and take care of even while going through her own very personal hardship.

In months past Heather had a liver transplant and remarkably the donor for the transplant was her husband, Don. Prior to the transplant Heather underwent chemotherapy and radiation for two months:
“People cannot live without a liver so if the liver is at risk for whatever reason, you have to wait on a cadaver or if you can, find a Live Liver Donor Match.  Don matched right away, blood type and liver size, which is rare.  We transplanted on (no lie) the exact date we met 18 years ago.  The date was pushed up for some reason and swear to God, landed on the day we met.  That's when I knew everything was going to be fine.  Don gave me part of his liver, it then regenerates in me and his part left regenerates in him.  The liver is the ONLY organ that can do this.  It's one of the hardest surgeries performed, with huge risks.  There have not been many Live Liver surgeries performed, we were number 100 in the history of liver transplanting at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester.

What I love about Heather is she may have a million things going on or happening to her yet she can still show up to dance with a smile and her sweet laugh. “Probably one of the reasons I smile a lot, is because I've been given the beautiful gift of life.  I really do cherish each day, with so much gratitude. There are things to worry about but I just try not to dwell on them, deal with them when they need to be attended to, and move on. “

“As bad as things can get I realize there are always people out there in worse situations.  I remind myself of that often. Someone once told me, family, friends and laughter will get you through anything, and I believe it and am so thankful to have people that care in my life.”

I asked Heather what advice she would give on staying healthy: “Follow your intuition, especially when it comes to your health.  I really do believe your attitude can make a big difference in how you live your life.  My personal stress management and healing is exercise through music, one of the many reasons why I love to coming to MUUV for DDX.  I tell everyone it's my therapy ( smile).”  

This YouTube video is of Heather and Don right after transplanting. “We're on a lot of pain meds so we sound kind of funny.  It really is a beautiful story, but I heard lots of these stories while I lived in the Transplant House, these people were so inspiring to me, seeing them fight for their lives and some doing it so graciously.”

Heather you have shown us that we all have ability to keep on believing that whatever life brings, we never lose our essence. You're a beautiful reminder that this moment is all we truly have, and having the grace to accept and embrace what is, is what life is all about. 

Thank you.
Photos of Heather taken by Erica Sparlin Dryden

MUUV People - Robbie


Loving what you have and what you do is what life is all about. The third in our MUUV People series is a story written by the subject in her own words. Robbie is the embodiment of love and thankfulness and that is how we feel about knowing her and having her share the joy of dance and friendship. Here is her story:
"First thing to say is that I have 3 main passions in life.  My faith, my family and dance!!!!  I  met my husband Cortland in Seattle 22 years ago, after going to that area as a missionary for my church.   What a life-changing experience!  That's how I eventually found myself here in Eagle, Idaho after having been raised in England, in a city just east of London. 
We have three gorgeous children, one of whom shares my passion for dance.  That's Cami!  She's 17 and a Senior this year at Eagle High.  Then I have Ethan who is 13, he's in 8th grade.  Last but definitely not least is Faith.  She's 10, and is in 5th grade. 

Faith and family has always been a part of my life, but it wasn't until a few years ago, in a gym in Eagle, that I had my love of dance re-kindled.  I think when you have children, it's easy to forget the things you used to be passionate about, because it naturally becomes all about them, so I'm truly grateful to have that joy back in my life!  I was inspired to re-discover myself a few years ago when all the kids were off to school, and I started taking yoga classes at my local gym.  I loved that experience for 2 or 3 years, until the yoga teacher announced she would be leaving.  I was devastated.  But then, this vivacious lady called Kris came into one of our classes, and told us she was taking over the Friday morning spot with a yoga/dance blend called ViYo.  I was skeptical.  I was a 'yoga-girl', after all, but Kris persuaded me to "just give it a try".  Well, thankfully I gave it a try, and I've hardly missed a class since!  Kris's class has gone through a few changes of name and location, but has remained the experience in my life that lifts my spirit, keeps me moving, and in extra-special moments, brings that 'rush' of joy through my whole body that causes tears to escape my eyes!  What a blessing it continues to be in my life after all this time. A few weeks ago, I even caught myself looking in the mirror, and instead of having the usual negative dialogue about my body marching through my mind, I just had one word come to me.  The word was 'STRONG'.  Thank you for sharing your amazing gifts, I love you Kris! And I love our new home at MUUV!"

MUUV People - Erica


This time our spotlight shines on Erica Sparlin Dryden.

Erica tells us she felt like she joined the party late when it came to Deep Dance, but to us her timing is perfect! When DDX made the transition from the YMCA to MUUV, many beautiful people we rarely saw or talked to were suddenly front and center, and Erica is one of them.

Getting to know Erica, we learned she’s not only the mom of a beautiful two-year old daughter, but also a graphic designer and photographer. After a few weeks at MUUV we noticed Erica wearing these super cute hair clips.
Come to find out she’s now venturing into another creative aspect of herself by designing and making these clips for retail. Flowers, feathers, swirls and color, these are fun to wear and add some spice to any outfit.

So we thought it would be fun to share them with you and let you know you can purchase them at belle boutique and The Record Exchange. For more info on Erica and her products go to: Sugar Magnolia's Blossom Blooming Designs.

One last note on Erica and dance, in her own words: “I love dancing, always have, and now I feel like I finally found a place to comfortably be free to express myself and let go on a regular basis. I have found dance to be one of the purest forms of expression and it allows me to channel my creativity into other formats better. For me, dance is an expression of the soul. It is a gift to share it and to be around others who are also grateful for movement, music and the uplifting of spirit.” Erica

See you on the dance floor Erica!

MUUV People - Tina

This is the first in a new series we are calling MUUV People. The series was created to highlight the creativity, talent and heart that each and everyone of us has to share. It seems to me when we share who we are we never know who we might inspire or encourage, maybe even on to a healthier, happier path.

Our first spotlight is on Tina Barnett. We recently posted a video of Tina on facebook (dated July 2 if you missed it), living proof that you can transform your body and mind by just jumping in and going for it. Tina works out hard and makes taking care of herself an important part of her life.
Fairly new to Pole dancing haven taken only two full sessions of Pole Fitness, she managed to inspire us all. The clip we are showing here is not the best quality as far as the video is concerned but I love how you can see the power and grace in her form. Oh and did we mention that while hard to believe, Tina will be 50 next month? You go girl!

Thank you Tina for doing all you do at 100% and for your inspiration to all of us at MUUV! Read Tina's fitness story!
Ladies and Gents...Tina Barnett!


I can not express how full my heart is these days with all the faces and words of the people who come to MUUV and spend time in its walls. What an amazing thing to be able to share stories and dance our way into healthier, happier lives. Some of you may not know it but just showing up for your class is a gift in and of its self to me and the instructors and the space. You are the gift to us that makes the journey worthwhile. I look forward to all that lies ahead for MUUV and the joy that is to come. Thank you!

Oprah is on it!

Check out all the awesome info on organics in this latest issue of the Oprah online magazine. Check it out!

We're Listening!

Tell us what you want! How do you want to spend your time at MUUV? It could be from meditation to dance or going for a walk. Or anything else your heart desires even if it's not fitness related.

You can leave your suggestions in the comment field below or email us.

Thank you for helping us do the best job we can for you!

Skin Care

Have you ever heard the saying "if you wouldn't eat it, you shouldn't put it on your skin?" Scary but true. Our skin care products are loaded with harmful chemicals and it is up to us as consumers to read labels and educate ourselves on what we are putting in and on our bodies.

I love getting facials. I have been getting them fairly regularly for a few years now. My own education process started first with the health alert about the possible connection between parabens and breast cancer. Since then, I have been increasingly leery of getting facials that include having chemical-laden products put on my skin for an hour. So you can imagine my delight when I met Vida at Remedy Skin Care. She has carefully selected an amazing organic skin care line and only uses the purest of products. These products smell so good you will want to eat them, like the Sour Cherry Masque, which I had the pleasure of experiencing. The truth is these products are so so pure you probably could eat them!

It just gives you an all-over good feeling to know you are supporting a business that is doing their part to make the planet a healthier place, even if it is one facial at a time. The choices we make in food, skin care and makeup directly impact our own health and the health of the planet.

It is a learning process, and one discovery leads to another. But one thing is for sure - putting products on our skin that is chock full of chemicals and preservatives is not the way to go.

Next time you are in the market for a facial, give Vida and her amazing skin care line a try. You will feel good inside and out!

Now we just need to find an environmentally friendly place for mani's and pedi's!

Here is an informational link on reading labels and what to avoid:

No limits: Totally Inspiring

I had to share this. What an amazing article about a girl living with her full heart and spirit exposed. Wiser than her years, she is teaching and reminding us once again about the power of dance. Dance is in your heart and soul, that is where it is born, and in this article Kiera makes that profoundly clear. I will have copies of the article available at the front desk at the Tuesday DDX class at 10 a.m as well.

Kung Fu Style

So I have to admit I have a small fascination right now with Kung Fu. It has been brought to my attention by the beautiful and famous. I don't think it is a trend per se, but twice in one month I read an article about the powers of Kung Fu, one was an interview with Gisele Bundchen, supermodel and environmentalist and one an interview with Robert Downey Jr. To me both people have an extremeness to them, in their looks and in their attitude toward life and caring for themselves.

Gisele did Kung Fu until two weeks before the her baby's birth, only gained 30 pounds during pregnancy and slimmed down to her pre-pregnancy weight practically overnight. Part of this is her genetics, and part of it is her commitment to herself and her health - "no days off" as she has been quoted saying.

Robert Downey Jr.'s connection to Kung Fu is what I really relate to. We all know his story: one of drug addiction, multiple arrests and prison. A tortured, talented soul, he has been given a second chance for success in the past five to six years. He has a new found sobriety and stability with a wife, and is learning methods of caring for himself that include rigorous Kung Fu workouts in a form called Wing Chun. For him, Wing Chun is the spiritual grounding force that keeps him going. There is a powerful outlet in Wing Chun, physically and mentally, for him that replaces the crippling grip of addiction and also fuels his his mind, body and spirit; not to mention the benefit of keeping him in killer shape! I guess you could say it's a new kind of addiction, but at least it is a healthy one. Kung Fu also offers wisdom for staying humble through fame and fortune.

I am not a recovering drug addict, but I do know that I am the type of person who has to have an outlet; a way to really release tension, emotions and turn off my mind at least a couple times a week. I have definitely found that with Deep Dance Experience. I think it is important, no matter who we are, to seek out and find ways of physically expressing ourselves; something that brings us joy, release and replenishes the spirit.
So what do you think? Should we try Kung Fu at MUUV? I just think it sounds like a real challenge, something different and rewarding. Do you think Robert Downey Jr's Sifu (teacher) would come teach us? Check out the article here: Interview with Robert Downey Jr.


Stay tuned for some juicy posts, coming soon!